Lucky You, Internet!

The universe has not turned a deaf ear to my snide remarks about more wildlife in the house, nope not at all. I was sitting here in the living room, wandering the net and waiting hours and hours and hours for the fall color pics to upload over a dial-up connection when a spider the size of a small lemon wandered out in front of the tv, and then over in front of the heater. I had a box with some papers in it sitting by the couch, so I threw that on it. When I picked it back up, it seemed dead but wasn’t mushed, and also, mocking me. I grabbed Scooter’s crate (that I use to hide his food from the others), and threw that on him, stood on it, and then drug it back into its spot under the coffee table. It didn’t leave a streak, so I’m trying not to think about it being stunned and waking up when I threw the crate on it, and getting away before I stood on it. It came from the general area of the entryway, which is where I keep my shoes, so it sounds like I’ll be going barefoot until WH gets home. Also, does this look like a brown recluse to you? (Pardon the blurryness- these were taken from the couch- a safe distance from this huge beast.)