Hey, You!

Have you updated your readers? Have you come to visit me at the new place yet? Happy Friday!

Moving Out, Moving On, Moving Up

Hey there! I know, I’ve been gone awhile. To make matters worse, I was off making extra work for you. That’s right, I’m moving, and all just so that you have to update your readers, your blogrolls, and your bookmarks. I figured- if I can’t snap my fingers and make my life offline all pretty and shiny and new, well, then, isn’t that what the internet is for? 😉 Come check me out.


I’m still trying to work up the nerve to ask for next week off. I feel better than I did yesterday, so it will come down to whether my discomfort in asking my boss is greater than my need for a break.

The three day weekend will be a nice break, and I think it might be enough. Hopefully, when my scheduled vacation comes around, my life will be a little more settled and the fall color will be in, and I’ll be glad I waited.

My first order of business this morning was to call a landscaper. Andrew was very nice- he’s coming to the house tomorrow to take a look at the yard and tell me what he’d charge to whip it into shape. Rumor has it that my mower is getting fixed this weekend, too.

I’m making some exciting plans for the three day weekend. Plans that involve me, myself, and I. I’m going to try and lay some groundwork for some changes. Big changes, small changes, and everything in between. That’s all I’m really willing to say about it.   😉

Thanks to everyone who has checked on me, left me sweet comments, and taken the time to send an email. Ya’ll are something else, and I mean that in the best way.